From the Caves of Puerto Rico, the former Guácaras of Boriken, a diverse herd emerges, spreading Direct Action throughout the islands of the Boricua Archipelago.
Our Mother Nature Calls Us to Rescue, Care for and Restore Protected Areas on which all forms of life in Puerto Rico depend. The Direct Action of the People has managed to develop a critical mass that recognizes and validates the demands for Social and Environmental Justice. After decades of continuous struggle and resistance, we have reached the tipping point, where there is no turning back. The people strongly affirm, Beaches, Caves, Mangroves, Forests, Parks, Streets, Sidewalks, are Public Domain Assets! Here, people defend head-on and without partisan politicking, human rights, culture and nature on the islands of Borinquen, Bieké and Culebra.
Murciélago Reserve - Beach Defenders , is an inclusive and diverse community of Activists Spreading Direct Action all over the Islands of Puerto Rico. As Mother Nature calls for RESCUE AND RESTORATION OF PROTECTED AREAS THAT ARE ESSENTIAL TO ALL FORMS OF LIFE. We Occupy and Maintain Public Access to natural protected areas from land grabs and private takings. After decades of struggle and resistance we have achieved a critical mass that recognizes the great social, environmental, economic value of our protected Natural Areas. There is no turning back now, for the People know that Beach closures cancel jobs that put food on the table of local communities. The People in Puerto Rico are firm in the knowledge of the Public and collective stewardship of our territory.